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By default @tiptap/extension-link and @tiptap/extension-code-block-lowlight is installed.

More Details

More about Link Extension
More about Code Block Lowlight Extension

Check out Code Block Lowlight Example

By default all the Nodes, Marks and Extensions listed in Tiptap Starter Kit is available for use.


Remember that a default prefix Tiptap is applied to all imports except for composables.

Example: StarterKit is available as TiptapStarterKit


It is always recommended to install extensions into devDependencies:


yarn add -D @tiptap/extension-placeholder
npm install --save-dev @tiptap/extension-placeholder
pnpm add -D @tiptap/extension-placeholder


Whenever you install any external extension which is not included in this plugin by default, the best way to import it is to either create a utils/ file or /composable file and put all the imports there.

An example would be; I created a file /composables/tiptapExt.js and the content of the file is as below:

export { Image as TiptapImage } from '@tiptap/extension-image';
export { Youtube as TiptapYoutube } from '@tiptap/extension-youtube';
export { Underline as TiptapUnderline } from '@tiptap/extension-underline';
export { TextAlign as TiptapTextAlign } from '@tiptap/extension-text-align';
export { Placeholder as TiptapPlaceholder } from '@tiptap/extension-placeholder';
export { CharacterCount as TiptapCharacterCount } from '@tiptap/extension-character-count';

So by doing this, I have created a global import to all the extensions of Tiptap that I installed manually.